My Head’s Gonna Explode

Now the White House fuckos are denying that Bush is on vacation!
The White House seems to be a little defensive about President Bush's summer vacation. According to the San Bernardino Sun, a spokesman insisted "the reason that Bush is in Crawford, Texas, is due to the renovation of the West Wing of the White House."

Said the spokesman: "He's operating on a full schedule; he's just doing it from the ranch instead of from the White House. The only week he had officially off was this last week."
Deep breaths. Serenity now.

Okay, first of all, that dude’s on vacation, okay? In fact, he’s been on vacation since 2000, near as I can tell, or permanently out to lunch, anyway. I don’t know who in blazes is really running this joint, but if it ain’t Dubya the Halfwit, he’s at least tasked with the job of pretending to be president—and he hasn’t even been doing that lately. Don’t give me some cockamamie story about how he’s operating on his full schedule of desperately trying to look competent and comfortable while maintaining the awkward posture required to hide the wire running up his back, because I’ve barely seen a picture of that guy in a suit in weeks. It’s all playing golf in ugly polo shirts and blowing by protestors in his limo, probably being held down by Rummy as he tries to moon them. He’s on vacation, we all know it, so shut up. Is there anything you won’t lie about?

On another note of irritation that’s making my eye twitch, why on earth is the West Wing being renovated? Massive deficit, tough economy, can’t afford to properly outfit our soldiers…unless the West Wing is about to collapse, it doesn’t need renovating. Cripes.

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