Kome to Krazy Karaoke at The Heretik’s

Krazy karaoke is singing the wrong words to classic songs. Come on over, sing your song, and grab a drink.

My contribution:

Each word he says is so untrue
Each syllable makes him a liar
All that he knows how to do
Is blame, hedge, dodge, and then conspire

Come on Preznit, fuel my ire
Come on Preznit, fuel my ire
Liar, liar pants on fire

Your time in office should be through
Please give up your dreams of an empire
Right now, or we will surely lose
Our dreams to your schemes ever dire.

Come on Preznit, fuel my ire
Come on Preznit, fuel my ire
Liar, liar pants on fire

It’s time I really must get through
Your thick skull, and inspire
You to rid us of your crew
Why don’t you all just please retire?

Come on Preznit, fuel my ire
Come on Preznit, fuel my ire
Liar, liar pants on fire
Liar, liar pants on fire
Liar, liar pants on fire
Liar, liar pants on fiiiiiiiiiiiiiire.

I’m sorry, Jim.

(Alternative, if you're too late for the party, please share your Krazy Karaoke lyrics in komments.)

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