Friday Night Name That Movie

Name all 10 films—and see if you can figure out what the connection between all of them is. This one really stretched my brain to the hilt, and I had to use IMDb to get the exact wording on two quotes. No cheating now! :-)

1. My job consists of basically masking my contempt for the assholes in charge, and, at least once a day, retiring to the men's room so I can jerk off while I fantasize about a life that doesn't so closely resemble hell.

2. No two bloodsuckers go the same way. Some yell and scream, some go quietly, some explode, some implode, but all will try to take you with them.

3. Seeing a man die isn't enough for you, you gotta be close enough to smell his nuts cook?

4. They're called boobs, Ed.

5. I was just thinking what an interesting concept it is to eliminate the writer from the artistic process. If we could just get rid of these actors and directors…maybe we've got something here.

6. I'm ready to quit this dump, I really am. Ray won't let me wear my glasses on stage, then Ian gets pissed because I can't do any of the tricks—I mean. I'm only legally blind. I could understand if I wanted to wear my glasses on my tits, but nobody in this dump is looking at my face anyway.

7. Do you mind if I name my first child after you? "Dipshit Knight" has a nice ring to it.

8. We got a rockin’ rhythm and a hi-tech sound that'll make you move your body down to the ground.

9. There's only two syllables in this whole wide world worth hearing—pussy. Are you listening to me, son? I'm giving ya pearls here.

10. Let me tell you something, my friend. Hope is a dangerous thing. Hope can drive a man insane.

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