A Face Only a Mother Could Vote For

Apparently, Vice President Scowlypuss is now considering running for president. According to the AFP, Sportsbook.com has him trailing after three other possible candidates, but there’s been a marked improvement in his odds. Frankly, I find the possibility that there are people suddenly warming up to Cheney a sickening thought. But there you have it. Although a more cynical and snarky part of me attributes his improving odds to my suspicion that some Americans are so resolutely opposed to evolution, they’re actually getting dumber in protest, I doubt that’s really the case. The only thing I can think of that might be vaguely plausible is that there’s probably a correlation between his favorable ratings increasing and the length of time since the spine-rattling specter of his animated visage during the campaign debates. Rarely does Cheney give interviews or otherwise make himself available for public consumption, and perhaps people have forgotten how loathsome and grim he really is. I imagine if he tried to run for president, and Americans were forced to become intimately familiar with his vile, glowering countenance and graveled doomsayer monotone, his odds would tank but quick. In fact, I hope he gets the nomination, because I really think you could run just about any joker and beat him.

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