Buh-bye, Dumbo

Kenya is having to relocate a herd of 400 wild elephants because they’re stealing crops, destroying property, and generally wreaking havoc:
"Since I planted my fields I haven't tasted a single banana, because the elephants have eaten them all," said Mohammed Gaphunze, 25. "They can strip a mango tree of all its fruit in one night. These wild animals will make people turn to stealing because we can't get anything to eat."


On Saturday night, Mr Gaphunze was roused by fellow villagers' cries to discover seven elephants crashing towards his vegetable plots. Lighting a fire of palm fronds, he grabbed a sling of plaited grass and started firing stones into the air to scare them off. His fields were spared, but his neighbour's grove of coconut palms was uprooted.

"The elephants are coming out of the forest because there are many of them now," said Mr Gaphunze, a father of three. "If you planted a crop, weeded it many times, then came back to find everything gone , how would you feel?"
I'd feel pretty bad.

As far as I can tell, Kenya isn’t having any problems with their donkeys.

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