The Secret of My Secession

You’ve got to love the thought of a group calling itself ChristianExodus, which seeks to move the nation’s conservative Christians into South Carolina and then succeed from the union, being led by a dude who lives in California.
Ironically, Burnell, who last year was living in Texas, has moved west to California due to a family commitment, but he says he does plan on moving east to South Carolina.

"Why not go to the liberal bastion to motivate yourself to get out?" he said.
Yeah. Right. Why not live high on the hog in a state with more opportunity to party with silver screen wannabes, subsisting off the contributions of wingnuts who are uprooting their families for your crackpot scheme, as long as you can until the dumbos start complaining?

Perhaps I’m just cynical, but Burnell isn’t a preacher; he’s a financial advisor, or so he says. Back when he was living in Tyler, Texas, about a year ago, he was a teacher at a Christian school and ran a coffee shop and a mobile phone store. (Depending on the source, he didn’t even run the store, but was described instead as a cell phone salesman.)

And his whole gripe centers around gay marriage (or, as he calls it, sodomite marriage). We all know what that means when it comes to the conservafreaks. Perhaps Burnell ought to keep heading north until he reaches Spokane. I’m sure Jim West can hook him up.

With conservative Christians fed up with fags.

What did you think I meant?

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