The White House thinks the press can only cover one story at a time (let’s hope they’re wrong), so they’re going to deflect attention away from Rove with an announcement of O’Connor’s replacement.
Reuters reports that Judge Edith Clement of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit in New Orleans is a leading candidate, and by all accounts, she’s not only the leading candidate, but the likely one.
It seems safe to assume that her nomination will be announced sometime today, although I just did a cursory bit of research on her, and didn’t immediately find anything so heinous I wanted to immediately start projectile vomiting all over my office, which makes a change from the other possibilities whose names have been floated, so maybe she’s a red herring to lull us into non-hysteria before the announcement of the nomination of Judge Attila T. Hun. Or maybe not.
Don’t get me wrong; she’s objectionable all right. But anyone who Bush nominates will be to one degree or another. I think she might be pro-choice, though, which would certainly be a relief.
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