Question of the Day II: Underrated Actors Edition

After the brilliant Phillip Seymour Hoffman was brought up twice in the Tom Cruise comments thread, I figured we needed to have a discussion of those actors we all know and love, who just don't get the love they deserve.

A few names come immediately to mind, in addition to Phillip Seymour Hoffman: Illeana Douglas, William H. Macy, Christian Bale (although I suspect that's about to chance, thanks to Batman Begins), Paul Giamatti, Catherine Keener, Parker Posey, Hope Davis, Laura Linney, John C. Reilly, Kevin Corrigan, Elias Koteas, Mary Stuart Masterson...hell, just about anyone in a Coen Brothers or P.T. Anderson film.

Recently, after seeing Batman Begins and Kinsey within a few days of one another, I would also say Liam Neeson has to be on the list, even though I think he's considered A-list. He's just brilliant, and I never think of him when I'm asked who my favorites are...but I should.

Who are some of your favorite underrated actors?

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