Q What is [the President’s] problem? Two years, and he can't call Rove in and find out what the hell is going on? I mean, why is it so difficult to find out the facts? It costs thousands, millions of dollars, two years, it tied up how many lawyers? All he's got to do is call him in.Unspoken completion to his answer: Because the last time I prejudged the outcome, I told you Rove and Libby weren’t involved, and that turned out to be total bullshit, which you found out, so from now on, I’m keeping my trap shut tighter than Guckert’s ass clamped on a chain of anal beads.
MR. McCLELLAN: You just heard from the President. He said he doesn't know all the facts. I don't know all the facts.
Q Why?
MR. McCLELLAN: We want to know what the facts are. Because –
Q Why doesn't he ask him?
MR. McCLELLAN: I'll tell you why, because there's an investigation that is continuing at this point, and the appropriate people to handle these issues are the ones who are overseeing that investigation. There is a special prosecutor that has been appointed. And it's important that we let all the facts come out. And then at that point, we'll be glad to talk about it, but we shouldn't be getting into –
Q You talked about it to reporters.
MR. McCLELLAN: We shouldn't be getting into prejudging the outcome.
Meanwhile, their strategy is working just swell. Fully 25% of Americans think the Bush administration is cooperating fully with the oft-cited ongoing investigation. Wow, pretty stellar numbers there, Georgie. Considering that’s probably approximately the same number of Americans who also believe the earth is flat and that Craig Kilborn is funny, I’d say you’ve got the unwavering support of the unbearably stupid all wrapped up in your corner.
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