It seemed like a good idea at the time

Florida Town Apologizes for Using 9/11 Calls

DEERFIELD BEACH, Fla. - City officials apologized for playing a song during Fourth of July celebrations that was mixed with voiceovers of 911 calls from the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks.

About 70,000 people had gathered to celebrate the Fourth of July when the song "God Bless the U.S.A." was played. The version had voices of people recorded during the terror attacks.

One voice on the mix said, "Oh my God, another plane has just hit." Another said, "Some of the casualties are in the collapsed building."

People at the celebrations said the mood of the night changed when the song was played.

Gee, who would have thought the 9/11 Funky Remix could be such a downer? Come on, people... anyone dancing? I'm dancing! Doesn't the sheer terror in their voices just make your Independence Day??

Vince Kendrick, the town's director of parks and recreation, took responsibility on behalf of city officials Tuesday in a written apology. He did not name the employee who put the song in the lineup.

"If it was Memorial Day, no one would have minded," Kendrick said.

Yeah! What's wrong with you people? If these people weren't dead, killed in the worst terrorist attack in our country's history, you wouldn't have minded! Come on, doesn't hearing the voices of the doomed set to music make you want to celebrate?!?

Jesus Christ. How fucking stupid can you be?

(Bolds mine)

(This cross-post's in love with you...)

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