King of Zembla, for lots and lots of reasons, the most recent of which is this, which I strongly encourage you to read.
Radical Russ, who recently filled in for Pam while she was on holiday and did an absolutely smashing job. He should have been on my blogroll a long time ago (sorry, Russ!).
Unpaid Punditry Corps, featuring some of my favorite bloggers, PSoTD, Simianbrain, and NewsHog, and the rest of whom I intend to spend some more time with in short order.
Robust McManlyPants, for reasons which I assume are evident. Come on—his name is Robust McManlyPants! (I’ll bet Mannion is desperately jealous he didn’t think of that first.)
Republic of Dogs, which is full of good stuff, this being a recent favorite.
Brother Kenya’s Paradigm, because he is a good blogger, has a good sense of humor, and happened by my place among some curious circumstance that isn’t quite as peculiar as my having seen Spudsy in a play a decade ago, but was interesting nonetheless.
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