The Fourth of July in the Land of the Free

The triumph of a minority “is everyone’s triumph. It is also the triumph of those who oppose [laws of equality], even though they do not know this yet: because it is the triumph of Liberty. Their victory makes all of us (even those who oppose [laws of equality]) better people, it makes our society better. … [Laws of equality] generate no evil, [their] only consequence will be the avoiding of senseless suffering of decent human beings. A society that avoids senseless suffering of decent human beings is a better society… [E]very right gained, each access to liberty has been the result of the struggle and sacrifice of many people that deserve our recognition and praise. Today we demonstrate … that societies can better themselves and can cross barriers and create tolerance by putting a stop to the unhappiness and humiliation of some of our citizens. Today, for many of our countrymen, comes the day predicted by Kavafis one century ago: 'Later 'twas said of the most perfect society/someone else, made like me/certainly will come out and act freely.'"

Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, on the occasion of the Spanish parliament’s historic vote legalizing both gay marriage and adoption of children by gay couples.

I hope that soon we will have a leader who believes in the words freedom and liberty as resolutely as he is willing to use them for political gain.

Keep up the fight, my fellow liberal patriots. Those words will mean something once again in America.

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