
Hi, gang. I've posted a little rant about the recent pie-throwing stupidity over in Spudville. I'd appreciate it if you'd check it out, and feel free to leave comments here or there.

I apologize for the delay; I've been away from the computer for several days. I'm off work this week, so my blogging might be sparse, but I'll still be around.

I didn't cross-post this entry, as I don't want anyone to accuse Shakespeare's Sister of influencing me to write this post, or asking me to post it on her blog. This is 100% mine (I'm sure you can tell by the poor writing quality), and it will reside in Spudville for people that wish to read it. All twelve of you.

Thanks for not being afraid to point out sexism, even when it comes from our "own side." Eliminate the ninnies and the twits. Duty now for the future, spuds!

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