Have You Heard of Tamika Huston?

Neither had I.

But I bet you’ve heard of Laci Peterson. And Lori Hacking. And Elizabeth Smart. And "runaway bride" Jennifer Wilbanks. And probably even Natalee Holloway, who’s disappearance is currently being investigated in Aruba.

The only difference is that Tamika Huston is black.
Cable news executives say they don't pick stories based on the race of the victims. "The stories that 'go national' all have a twist or an emotional aspect to them that make them interesting," said Bill Shine, senior vice president of programming at Fox News.

"When the Aruba story broke, I didn't know if she (Holloway) was white," said Mark Effron, vice president of news/daytime programming at MSNBC.

He said he saw a story about "a parent's worst nightmare."
Apparently, black parents don’t really care if their kids go missing.

(Hat tip Oliver Willis.)

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