Cool Stuff from the Mailbag

I received an email from Allie Carter, who, in addition to being a former member of the Peace Corps and a current Master's student at the University of Chicago Divinity School, is the founder and editor-in-chief of a new website called Focused on the intersection of religion and politics, from a progressive/liberal perspective, the site is dedicated to giving voice to the religious left—certainly an ambitious and much-needed project. Regular Shakers know I’m not a religious person myself, but I whole-heartedly support the efforts of religious liberals to make themselves heard over the din of the Dominionists. For those of you who are religious (and this is not a specifically Christian site, I want to point out), I encourage you to check it out.

I also received an email from Melody Berger, who is a senior majoring in Women's Studies at Temple University in Philadelphia and has created a feminist magazine for teens/young women called The F-Word Ezine. (That damn women’s studies set is at it again!) The first issue is now online. It’s also got a lot of good online resources pulled into one place.


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