
Okay, one last post about this, I promise.

As Pam says, setting up activism channels like BBA, and maintaining an individual blog and a group blog (and doing a FT day job) are a lot to juggle. Building community is totally worth it, and I’m passionately dedicated to Shakespeare’s Sister, Big Brass Blog, and the Big Brass Alliance.

Even though I don’t have tons of costs associated with Shakespeare’s Sister, there are some more significant costs associated with Big Brass Blog. Forming this alliance has taken up my every waking moment for the last week, and if I’m going to be able to stick with a job that gives me lots of opportunity to continue down this road, I need some help at the moment. I don’t look at this as a profit-making enterprise; I’m just down to a choice between the time to continue this effort and enough money to survive.

So the tip jar’s to the left. If you can spare it, I’d appreciate it.

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