Shrub Scrub

Ms. Julien, posting at Big Brass Blog, reports:
Galloway's Senate Testimony Scrubbed from Official Subcommittee Website!

Chairman Coleman's Office Passes Buck for Explanation!

The stunning testimony given by British MP George Galloway before the U.S. Senate subcommittee on Investigations is apparently so hot that it seems to have "gone AWOL" from the subcommittee's website according to the British newsite VNU Network.

The BRAD BLOG can confirm that all witness testimony -- except that of Galloway's -- from last Tuesday's extraordinary hearings is available in PDF format on the subcommittee's webpage on the hearings.

Details, Screenshot, Comments from Coleman's Office:

Looks like Galloway hit too close to home!!!!

We need to be SCARED that we are living in a place that can arbitrarily 'scrub' public record testimony from its websites.

I paid my taxes for that website, damn it - I want NOTHING left out!
Unbelievable. (And on a side note…damn, Brad is good!)

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