Senfronia for Pres!

Fellow bloggrrl Pam, who is not only a great blogger, but also is just generally a supercool chick, generously answers my endlessly stupid tech questions, and has been superbly supportive with her encouragement of my being a straight ally to the LGBT community, has posted the transcript of an amazing speech by Texas State Rep Senfronia Thompson, who regular Shakers will remember was also the voice of reason on the Texas cheerleading bullshittery. Pam notes:
The important thing to remember in this fight for gay rights, is that we do need the support and action of our straight allies. … The words of Representative Senfronia Thompson are brave and meaningful, especially so because she is black, given the rampant homophobia in the religious black community -- a group that should be supportive, given civil rights history.
Go check it out. It really is a powerful speech, and Pam’s also got Rep. Thompson’s contact info so you can thank her for being the kind of public servant we should be so lucky to have in every state and at every level of government.

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