Quickies: By the Numbers

Bush’s approval rating has fallen to 47%, down from his 2005 high on Feb. 4 of 54%. The only question I have is what have the dingdongs who voted for him come to learn in the past four months that wasn’t already apparent to anyone with a working brain?

The Army’s recruiting woes continue, with its April goal falling short by 42%, leaving its year-to-date recruitment 16% behind the goal. The Army Reserve has also fallen short of its recruitment goal for April by 37%. This marks the first time the Army has missed a monthly recruitment goal since May of 2000. The Marines are 2% behind their year-to-date goal.

Reporters Without Borders reports that 53 journalists were killed in 2004, making it the highest number of deaths since 50 journalists were killed in 1955. In the first four months of 2005, 22 journalists have been killed, nine of them in Iraq, which tops the list of the five deadliest places for journalists, followed by the Philippines, Colombia, Bangladesh, and Russia.

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