Question of the Day

The Rude Pundit wants to know:
Why the fuck was the President of the United States biking on a wildlife preserve in Maryland in the middle of the goddamn day? Isn't there a fuckin' gym in the White House? And why the fuck wasn't he notified until after "the danger" had passed about a suspected attack on Washington, which caused evacuations, including his own wife? Wouldn't you wanna know if your wife was being threatened with death? Did they know it wasn't really a threat? Was it a show? Or did they just not want to face that stomach churning blank stare of his as he tries to figure out what the fuck to do, stuck sweaty in his shorts in the suburban wetlands?
I think perhaps it has something to do with the latter hypothesis, combined with a mad but ultimately futile scramble to locate a copy of My Pet Goat, which is said to carry mystical calming properties for the president in times of great crisis.

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