Good News for Women’s Rights

Regular Shaker and contributor to Julien’s List Holly gave me the heads-up re: this story in today’s NY Times, which I wrote about on Sunday:
A judge has ruled that a 13-year-old girl at the center of an abortion fight with the state may terminate her pregnancy.

Juvenile Judge Ronald Alvarez on Monday ruled that the teen, who has been in state custody for four years, would not be physically or emotionally harmed by the procedure. Last week, Alvarez blocked the girl's abortion until a psychological evaluation was completed.

''He ruled that she is competent, that she has made a decision and that she has a right to act on that decision,'' said Howard Simon, executive director of the Florida American Civil Liberties Union, which represented the girl.
Excellent news. The girl, known as LG, proved herself smart, tough, independent, and quite sure of what would be best for her. It’s really too bad she had to take the state to court to make them aware of these things, especially considering she’s been in their care for almost a third of her life.

[UPDATE: An appeal has been filed. Lauren's got the lowdown at Feministe. Fuck.]

[UPDATE2: Jeb Bush may be calling off the appeal.]

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