Friday Night Fun

Because we all need a little fun at the end of a week…

Name That Movie:

1. You really think it’s cool to be hitting the sauce when you’ve got a bun in the oven?

2. Do you know what nemesis means? A righteous infliction of retribution manifested by an appropriate agent, personified in this case by an 'orrible cunt: me.

3. Kings died, kingdoms fell. I don't regret the kingdom—what sense in borders and nations and patriotism? But I miss the kings.

4. It's for sure a white man's world in America. Look here: I raised that boy since he was the size of a piss-ant. And I'll say right now, he never learned to read and write. No sir, had no brains at all—was stuffed with rice pudding between the ears. Shortchanged by the Lord and dumb as a jackass. Look at him now! Yes sir, all you've gotta be is white in America, to get whatever you want.

5. I got kicked out of university after delivering a brilliant lecture on the aggressive influence of German philosophy on rock and roll entitled You Kant Always Get What You Want.

6. Meanwhile, I can't get that Flying Dutchman theme out of my head. Remind me tomorrow to buy up all the Wagner records in town and rent a chainsaw.

7. Now that I've met you, would you object to never seeing me again?

8. There's something I've been meaning to ask you. There's this thing I've heard, and if I thought for one second it was true I'd probably kill myself. Does your fiancée work…in a doughnut shop?

9. Great principles don't get lost once they come to light. They're right here; you just have to see them again!

10. Well, then, I just hate you...and I hate your...ASS...FACE!

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