Fonda Banned

The owner of two Kentucky theaters has refused to show the new Jane Fonda film "Monster-in-Law" because of the activist role the actress took during the Vietnam War.

Ike Boutwell, who trained pilots during the Vietnam War, displayed pictures of Fonda clapping with a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft crew in 1972 outside the Elizabethtown Movie Palace to show his disapproval. The marquee outside Showtime Cinemas in nearby Radcliff reads: "No Jane Fonda movie in this theater."


Boutwell also banned previous Jane Fonda films, as well as Michael Moore's film, "Fahrenheit 9/11."
You know, if he wanted to ban the movie because it looks utterly crapporiffic, that would be one thing. But this is just stupid. If I ran a revival theater, I wouldn’t ban Ben Hur because Charlton Heston’s a major psycho-dick (or was, before his brain went gooey). Pfft.

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