Fire and Seeds

The Dark Wraith, in a post that might seem uncharacteristic if you don’t know that genuine realists are always (secretly) the world’s greatest optimists, offers a glimmer of hope for our future:
This time of war is what gives those young men their meaning, their hope, their focus. It's all an abstraction to people of better means: it's flag-waving nationalism for America on the march, or it's wholesale revulsion at the lies breeding the monstrosity of it all. But for the kids there at that community college, it's the way out of the slow stew of economic and social Hell that awaits them in lives that promise to otherwise go nowhere and mean nothing.

There's some of this at the state university, too; but there's something else going on, and it's even evident in small ways at the community college. It's very much like the mid-1960s: most of the kids wear their hair butch-cut short and talk a fairly hard conservative line while doing a whole lot of unconservative things. At first blush, everyone looks just about the same as everyone else.

But then, there's that fringe group…
Go read the rest. It’s worth your time.

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