Damn these political posts!

As some of you will recall, I wrote a post a while ago about how much I dislike the Pride Parade. Well, instead of just griping about how the parade is no longer meaningful, I'm going to put my money where my mouth is and do something about it this year.

I want to put together a small pamphlet of the best blog writing on gay issues since the re-election. (The shorter the better, as I don't want to do any editing, but I promise not to reject anything due to length.) So, I need your help. In comments, please leave a link to the blog entries, from any blog, that you feel need to be read by the gay community the most. (For obvious reasons, entries that link too much to other web entries won't be easy to use. For links, I'd like to use a footnote, i.e. "Enter this web address into your browser to view the link.) I'd also like a "sites to visit to take action" section at the end.

I'll put it together, make a bunch and hand them out at the parade. I figure it's the least I can do, since I can't carry around a laptop and force people to read blog entries. (Or can I? Hmmm... maybe if I dress in leather and carry a whip...)

My idea for the title: Yes, Your Ass Looks Great. Now Get Up Off It And Do Something.

As we can see daily, the right has decided to make anti-gay, well, everything, it's crusade. And they're not going to get me without a fight.

Feel free to email me with comments and suggestions too... or if you want to volunteer to help at the parade, of course! Hell, I'm forced to go every year anyway, I may as well be productive!

(Cross-Posted from my blog)

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