TCF has vowed (for the moment) not to take any account of the Right bloggers’ stupidity in the wake of DNC Chairman Howard Dean’s appearance on Meet The Press (transcript, Crooks & Liars video clips), satisfied that he held his ground under some tough and warranted questioning by Tim Russert.I’ll swear to it, with the following caveat: “God says so” is not a legitimate defense.
But, there was one point the Governor so eloquently made, that had the pajama-clad TCF shouting and shaking his head in agreement, now the motto I swear to blog by:
I have an enormous amount of respect for people who have different opinions, but they have to defend their opinions. You can't just say, "I want to privatize Social Security because I want to privatize Social Security." You have to really show me why you want to do what you want to do. And if you can defend your ideas, I'll respect those ideas.
Cross My Heart
That Colored Fella, posting at Big Brass Blog, wants to know if we’re ready to swear the Lefty Blogger Oath:
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