Good morning, Shakers! Today is my birthday. I'm 31, and I'm going to be celebrating pretty much the same way I did at 16--I'm going to a show. Tonight, it's The Killers at the Riviera in Chicago. So nice of them to come just for my birthday!

Attending this soiree will be Mr. Shakes, Miller, Mickey Mouse, Paul the Spud, Mr. Curious, and the person who has celebrated every birthday with me since my 16th, Mr. Furious. Can't wait to see you guys!

Give me an amaretto on the rocks and a few most excellent pals, and I'm the happiest girl on earth.

(On a side note, we're in the middle of a horrendous thunderstorm, which usually means no internet, so if you don't hear from me much today, that's probably why.)

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