That Book Meme

I’ve been waiting endlessly to get tagged by The Book Meme, and feeling very left out indeed. And now I’ve been tagged twice in one day. Hoorah! (Thank you, Kiosan and Left Behind Child.)

You are stuck inside “Fahrenheit 451.” Which book would you be?

Am I a book to be burned, or a book to be memorized for posterity? It seems like most people have assumed the former, but since I’m a pedant, I’m going to answer both. (I now see that the Dark Wraith has done the same, and being already aware of our shared tendencies toward pedantry, I’m not surprised in the least.)

If I’m the former, then I’m going to be The Unbearable Lightness of Being, which always stands out in my mind as a particularly unenjoyable read, although I don’t really think I’ve ever read anything bad enough to warrant burning.

If I’m the latter, then I’m going to be Fahrenheit 451, to ensure future generations can enjoy this question in their own book memes.

Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?

Oh, yes. Dicken from The Secret Garden was the first crush I ever had.

What is the last book you bought?

The Unthinkable Thoughts of Jacob Green by Joshua Braff, which was fantastic. I’ve also been given a whole bunch of books lately, that are all waiting on the kitchen counter in a big pile.

What are you currently reading?

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon, which was recommended to me by Pierce and lent to me by my mom, Don’t Think of an Elephant! by George Lakoff, which was graciously given to me by Ms. Julien, and Love by Toni Morrison.

Five books you would take to a deserted island:

How can anyone choose just five?!

The Complete Works of Shakespeare. Duh.
A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens.
The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger.
Geek Love by Katherine Dunn.
The Secret History by Donna Tartt.

There. That’s five. And I’m not going to think about it anymore, because otherwise I’ll keep making and remaking the list for the rest of my life.

Of course, if I knew I were going to a deserted island, I would probably take Robinson Crusoe, because I couldn’t resist.

And now for the passing of the meme…

This meme has been traveling for so long now that I’m worried I’ll choose someone who’s already been tagged. I’m trying to remember which bloggers I’ve read who have already done the book meme thing, and, well…please dear bloggers whom I am about to tag, don’t be offended if you’ve already posted on it.

Gordon at The Alternate Brain, who’d better include at least one weird book about bikes, and who I chose because he’s always funny, always interesting, and is required to prove he’s not been kidnapped, since there’s been no Alternate Brain fix for me in two whole days.

Missouri Mule at BlondeSense, because when she writes about horses, it makes me think of books I loved as a child, like Black Beauty.

Paul at Adventures of the Smart Patrol, who’s out of town until tomorrow (according to his blog), so he can consider this his dubious welcome home, and who I’ve chosen mainly because his taste in movies is so weird (which I mean most complimentarily) that I can’t wait to see his reading list.

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