
I was invited (I have no idea how I got on the list!) to listen in on a conference call arranged by the Coalition for a Fair and Independent Judiciary, regarding their plans for thwarting the threatened “nuclear option.” I was asked to give my real name, which I did, and my home phone number, which I did, and the name of my employer, which I would not, so I was brutally rebuffed. They wouldn’t accept me as an independent interest, even though I clearly got the invite as a blogger, and for no reason having to do with my paying gig. They apparently had no list of invitees to consult to confirm my reason for being there, and the name of blog wasn’t considered sufficient. I suppose I could have made something up, but, well, you know how I feel about liars.

It was truly sucky as I got to hear the first 10 minutes or so, and then they came back on the line to tell me to get lost, since not being affiliated with a particular company wasn’t good enough or something. The same crap credentials managed to get Jeff Gannon into the White House, but couldn’t get me on a conference call.

So I was hoping to have an awesome report for you this afternoon on this exceedingly interesting topic, but instead it’s just a bitch about how the opposition still doesn’t know how to organize things to get as many people involved as possible.

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