Serial for Breakfast

Over the past month (or so), the Dark Wraith has written a four-part opus analyzing our probable future in the 21st century. The final installation has been posted this morning. It’s grim reading; standing on the edge of the end of Enlightenment, looking out at a tide one cannot hold, is not easy, but it’s important.

If you haven’t been following the series, start with Part One, Part Two, and Part Three, and wrap up with Part Four.

In the end, the Dark Wraith notes:
It remains for the reader, then, to decide which way to believe the future will turn and in so deciding, find comfort or fear in contemplating what lies ahead.
I believe it is likely long past the time when any homegrown twilight scenarios would be anything more than the distant twinkling of a fading star, but one must carry on trying nonetheless. Or maybe that's just my Baggins complex talking.

Your thoughts as you contemplate our collective future are, as always, most welcome.

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