RIP Saul Bellow

Ugh. Saul Bellow has died—and of the many recent deaths of famous men, this one feels to me like our greatest loss.

A brilliant author, he was raised in and closely associated with Chicago, where he was active in the local academia, attending both Northwestern University and the University of Chicago, for which he served as a member of its Committee on Social Thought in later life. His degrees were in sociology and anthropology, just like mine—which is, unfortunately, where our similarities end, although having studied the same fields in the same city, and having, like him, used the endeavor to inform an interest in writing social commentary, I felt a certain kinship with him, as dreamy hacks are wont to do.

He was 89 and lived a rich life, so we can’t be too sad for him. He wouldn’t have been sad for himself, I imagine.
Asked about his thoughts on what happens after death, Bellow offered two scenarios: oblivion or immortality.

"My intuition is immortality," said Bellow, who was ambivalent about whether he believed in God. "No argument can be made for it, but it's just as likely as oblivion."

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