Question of the Day: Part Two

Do you have a poem you wrote that you’d like to share? If so, this is the place. Don’t be shy!


Morning greets me starkly
With a ray across my face.
The streaming of the eastern light
Gives life unto this space.
What others see as beauty
Is a thought I do not share,
For as I reach into the day,
I find you are not there.

The memory of your very skin
Lives upon my fingers.
I turn my face into the sheets
And find your scent still lingers.
I cry out for your presence,
Shattering the calm.
I wish my hand upon your chest,
Your heart beneath my palm.

Mourning doves begin to cry
As another day is born,
And in your ringing absence,
I now know why they mourn.
Although I feel my breath release
And enter into me,
How can it be I am alive
If you’re not here to see?

Come to me and hold me,
Arrange me as you will;
Let me feel your presence
Saturate this sunrise still.
Until you are beside me,
And never have to leave,
Each morning I will lie in light,
And with the doves will grieve.

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