In Other Rightwing Religious News…

Pope Ratz has condemned Spain’s decision to legalize gay marriage and adoption.
Pope Benedict XVI has responded firmly to the first challenge of his papacy by condemning a Spanish government bill allowing marriage between homosexuals.

The bill, passed by parliament's Socialist-dominated lower house, also allows gay couples to adopt.

A senior Vatican official described the bill - which is likely to become law within a few months - as iniquitous.
That certainly sets the tone, doesn’t it?

Next, Rev. Dr. Matthew Fox has 22 questions for Pope Ratz. It’s a thought-provoking list, but perhaps the most interesting, in light of the previous story is:
2. If you denounced Hitler why do you support today the Spanish priest Escriva who admired him publicly and why did you rush Escriva, founder of the opus dei movement, into canonization thus leaving the impression that fascism is a path to holiness?
In case you’ve not heard, by the way, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia is a member of Opus Dei.

And finally, Charles Cutter traces the origins of the legitimization of “God-based hate groups” back to Ronald Reagan:
Deb Comer, an American living in the United Kingdom, writes to ask: "What is happening to our country? Why do so many people appear to be part of God-based hate groups?"

To answer her question, it’s necessary to understand the fundamental goal of the fundamentalist Christians: To deny basic human rights to segments of society they deem unworthy in their god’s eyes. They believe that Americans should reject the Constitutional concept of equality in favor of their religious caste system. They seek to legally stigmatize all non-fundamentalist Christians.

Historically, Christianity has been used to justify such atrocities as the genocide of Native Americans and the institution of slavery; current favorite targets include women, gays, atheists, and pro-choice supporters.

In recent years, however, it seems that religion - as a political tool used to solidify voting blocs and foment divisiveness - has become both common and acceptable.
Read the rest. It’s really good.

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