Got Gas?

I have a chronic case of indigestion, in no small part because of how much it’s costing me to fill up my damn car these days:
President Bush lamented the soaring cost of gasoline Wednesday but said he doesn't have a "magic wand" to make high prices disappear.

Speaking to members of the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Bush suggested that he's powerless to stop price increases that pushed the average price of gasoline to a record $2.28 a gallon last week. Rising gas costs have taken a toll on consumer confidence and Bush's standing in public opinion polls.

"Millions of American families and small businesses are hurting because of higher gasoline prices," Bush said. "I wish I could simply wave a magic wand and lower gas prices tomorrow; I'd do that. Unfortunately, higher gas prices are a problem that has been years in the making."
In other words, it's Clinton's fault!

And I thought the President did have a magic wand by the name of Bandar Bush. Huh. Guess not.
Bush experienced the political impact firsthand during a trip last week to Fort Hood, Texas, where a soldier urged him to take action on high gas prices. Bush said the soldier asked him, "Why don't you lower gasoline prices, Mr. President?"

"I wish I could," Bush said he replied.
Aww. Well, it’s sweet of him to care.

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