Friday Blogrollin’

I’m doing something new this week. I’m dividing blogrolling into two categories—those blogs that may be familiar names already, and those whose blogs are perhaps not part of your daily travels, who have caught my eye for one reason or another and I want to recommend. I’d also like to say, once again, that sometimes it takes me awhile to get blogs I like on the blogroll, and sometimes I just plain old forget. (A brain like a steel sieve, mine.) So it never hurts to email me if you’ve got something you think I would like.

The Big Guns:

Billmon’s Whiskey Bar
Liberal Oasis
Sadly, No!
Think Progress
War and Piece (Laura Rozen)

Deserving of Wider Recognition:

The Adventures of the Smart Patrol
Lab Kat
True Blue Liberal

[UPDATE: Fixed to give Lab Kat the right link. Sorry, Kat!]

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