

Iraqi officials said Wednesday that 35 bodies -- some bullet-riddled, others beheaded -- have been found at two separate sites and they believe some of the corpses are Iraqi soldiers kidnapped and executed by insurgents. In other violence, a suicide bomber detonated a garbage truck packed with explosives outside the Agriculture Ministry and a hotel used by Western contractors on Wednesday, killing at least three people, officials said.
The Iraqi men who continue to sign up to be trained as soldiers are incredibly brave.

I know that for many of them, soldiering is a last resort, because unemployment is incredibly high, and many of the jobs that they should be doing are instead being done by American contractors, and all that...but I don't think any of it should take away from their bravery. These guys have been repeatedly (and successfully) targeted, and anyone who's standing up to fill that role in Iraq right now is a pretty courageous dude.

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