While still shitting on the Constitution...

... Republicans decide to wipe their asses with the environment. The Senate voted 51-49 to open Alaska wildlife refuge for oil drilling.

During several hours of Senate debate Tuesday, Sen. Richard Durbin, D-Ill.,
said that even at peak production the refuge would account for less than 2.5
percent of U.S. oil needs. “How in the world can this be the centerpiece of
our energy policy?” asked Durbin, arguing that more conservation and more fuel efficient automobiles would save more oil than the Alaska refuge would produce.

John Kerry said that even if the refuge were to supply 1 million barrels of oil a day, at its peak expected production, the United States would remain heavily dependent on foreign oil unless there were serious efforts to reduce consumption.

Once again, Durbin and Kerry stand out as members of the very small
Democrats-with-Balls Club.

51-49 - Gee, is that a mandate?

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