Today's Question

Okay, it's far, far in the future (like 3 years), and all the politicians have become so corrupt that Hollywood looks like a bastion of moral fortitude by comparison. The GOP are running infamous Republican Hollywooders Clint Eastwood (who won't have a chance after Million Dollar Baby pissed off the Jesuslanders), Arnold Schwartzenegger (come on, it is a ridiculous hypothetical to begin with--don't play the Constitution card on me), Bruce Willis (why, why a GOP-er when I love him so?), and Charlton Heston (who thinks he's up for an Oscar).

Our candidates are Tom Hanks, Susan Sarandon, Rob Reiner, and Oprah (with Tim Robbins slated to be VP no matter who wins the nomination). Sean Penn is running as an independent.

For which Hollywood Dem are you casting your primary vote and why?

(No fair picking Paul Newman--I purposely left him out because otherwise he'd have gotten all the votes. He's OUT OF THE RUNNING! So are Alec Baldwin and Ben Affleck, for being sucky.)

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