Of Course They Do

On her plane to Afghanistan, where Laura Bush is going to do outreach to inner city youth, or something, she told reporters that she and the president both have living wills.
"The president and I have living wills and of course our parents do and they wanted us always to be aware of it. I think that is important for families to have opportunities to talk about these issues," she said.
Huh. So it’s important for families to talk about these issues, is it? But isn’t that what Michael Schiavo’s been asserting lo these long 15 years? That Terri had talked to her husband about her wishes? Oh, but see, Mrs. Bush is careful to note that they have also discussed the issue with her parents and the president’s parents. Everybody knows everyone else’s wishes in the Bush fam. Because only by distorting the definition of family to necessarily include parents as possible decision-makers, and thereby undermining the Schiavo’s marriage, Terri’s family by design, was Mrs. Bush able to wrap up with the following:
"I just feel like the federal government has to be involved. It is a life issue that really does require government to be involved," she said.

As for all you folks who are dying because you’ve got no healthcare to cover the expensive medical treatments required to save your life, and as for you dirty Injuns in Minnesota, and as for you Africans dying from AIDS, genocide, or hunger, and as for you soldiers sent under false pretenses to a war which will forever alter your every sense of what life should be, and as for you family members of Nicola Calipari, and as for you Iraqi civilians who have lost loved ones—also civilians—to our thrilling shock and awe, and as for you proven-innocent-in-the-end victims of our torture tactics, and everyone else whose lives seem just not quite as important as Terri Schiavo, your life issues apparently don’t require the government to be involved. Sorry about that. Better luck next time.

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