Friday Blogrollin'

Armchair Generalist, who does a lot of great work on military stuff—not my strong suit, which is why, among other reasons, I depend on the Fixer and Gordon so much (who you should be reading, if you’re not already), and AG makes a nice addition in that department.

Mad Kane, for all kinds of good reasons, not the least of which is her mad limerick skills.

Feministe, whose recent post about the anti-abortion laws coming to the table in my beloved but inimitably frustrating state of Indiana is a must read for all Hoosiers.

Julie Saltman, whose recent post on Scalia is so right-on (as is everything else she writes).

Lance Mannion, because he gives good baseball blog, too…and I still ask my dad to tell me the story about meeting Satchel Paige over and over again.

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