Cat Fight!

Kos is wrong; Atrios is right:
Kos mounts a half-hearted defense of House Democrats who are supporting a Bill which is going to pass anyway. From an individual House member's perspective it's absolutely correct.

But, from the point of view of the party as a whole, it's completely and utterly wrong. When more than a few members are peeled off, suddenly it's a "bipartisan bill." In 2006, Nancy Pelosi won't be able to make the bankruptcy bill part of a national issue because too many members supported it LOUDLY AND PROUDLY. And, if we don't nationalize the congressional race in 2006 we will lose once again.

Until the party begins to take disciplined stands against these things, they don't stand for anything.
Chapter 1,346,824 of the Democrats' leviathan tome How to be a Loser.

(On a side note, I disagree that supporting this bill was “absolutely correct” from an individual House member’s perspective, either. It was arguably correct from a political or financial perspective, but in absolute terms—not a chance. This was an evil little slice of legislation that will further advance the conservatives’ social Darwinist construct. Nothing correct about supporting it from any kind of moral perspective.)

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