“Bush to UN: Bend over, bitches!”

…So says John at Blogenlust, adding:
I wonder if Bush had nominated a pacifist to head the DoD whether the media would find it relevant to note the ideological conflict of interest. They sure seem slow to point out that John Bolton, Bush's nominee for UN Ambassador, thinks the work of the UN is irrelevant. I'm sure he'll be able to leave his personal opinions at home.
I’m sure he will. Because if there’s one thing you can say about Bush and his buddies, it’s that they’re not ideologues.

And Dave at Seeing the Forest notes:
President Bush has nominated "hardliner" John Bolton to be Ambassador to the United Nations. "Imagine Jerry Falwell being placed in charge of marriage in Massachusetts."

This is where Bush has apparently been getting his ideas about how the country should work with the rest of the world. (Hint: scroll to the lower right hand corner.)

Just a coincidence, look at who provides the core funding of the modern right-wing "noise machine" that put Bush into office.
That’s a mighty interesting coinkydink.

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