Reid Opposes Federal Marriage Amendment:Why focus on this in particular? I’ll let John explain:
Reid Received 100 percent Rating From Human Rights Campaign (HRC) For 107th Congress. (Human Rights Campaign, "Presidential Candidates," Human Rights Campaign Website,, Accessed 12/2/04)
-- HRC Endorsed Reid During 2004 Election Calling Him "A Leader We Can Count On." (Human Rights Campaign, "Candidate Profile: Harry Reid," Human Rights Campaign Website,, Accessed 12/2/04)
-- "The Human Rights Campaign, The Largest National Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual And Transgender Advocacy Organization, Envisions An America Where GLBT People Are Ensured Of Their Basic Equal Rights, And Can Be Open, Honest And Safe At Home, At Work And In The Community." (Human Rights Campaign Website,, Accessed 1/31/05)
Reid Said Marriage Should Be Between A Man And Woman. "So marriage should be between a man and a woman, OK? I agree. But why do we need to have to amend the Constitution when we have the Defense of Marriage Act federally? We have the state Constitution, which has it in it." (Dave Berns, "Candidates See Religion's Role In Diverse Light," Las Vegas Review-Journal, 10/28/04)
-- But Reid Voted Against Federal Marriage Amendment. (S.J. Res. 40, CQ Vote No. 155: Motion Rejected 48-50: R 45-6; D 3-43; I 0-1, 7/14/04, Reid Voted Nay)
[Head of the RNC Ken Mehlman] yesterday to gay-baiting Democrats for political gain.
In an RNC press release intended to discredit Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, Mehlman's RNC made clear that the simple fact that a gay civil rights group endorsed Reid for re-election means that Reid is not fit for national service…
Which begs the question of what Mehlman's own links are to gay rights groups. Mehlman has been reported in the press to have had numerous contacts with gay Republicans in Washington, DC, going so far as to openly congratulate one senior DC gay republican on a recent victory. And Mehlman, 38 years of age and single, is now insisting on only answering reporters' questions about his own sexual orientation off-the-record. Kind of an odd position for a man running an organization that thinks gay issues are fair game - Mehlman himself has said that he thinks the gay issue is fair game. So if it's fair game, why is the media giving Mehlman a pass on this one, and not asking him on-the-record what his story is?
After all, if the RNC thinks that being on good terms with homosexuals means one is not fit to hold high office in Washington, DC, then the public has a right to know exactly on what terms Mr. Mehlman, the head of the entire Republican Party, is with America's gay community. Not to mention, I've not found in any research a single statement from Mehlman on what HIS position is on the Gay-Bashing Amendment. He does a good job of stating the president's position, but since Mehlman is bashing Reid for not supporting the amendment, we certainly have the right to know, on the record, whether Mehlman personally supports the amendment.
Ken Mehlman nee Munster
If you'd like to call the RNC and tell them their press release about Senator Reid's relationships with the gay community piqued your curiosity about Ken Mehlman's relationships with the gay community, here's their number: 202-863-8614.
And you know, something tells me the fundies wouldn’t be too happy if they found out Acme, Inc. had chosen a dirty little sodomite to run the Republican National Committee.
(Pam reports: There have been many calls made already, as the news of the release has been posted over at Eschaton as well. From the comments on [AMERICAblog], folks in the RNC office are hanging up on people and acting quite nervous, given Ken-babe's official/unofficial orientation leaves him wide open for questions.)
Heh heh heh.
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