President Bush's budget would more than double the co-payment charged to many veterans for prescription drugs and would require some to pay a new fee of $250 a year for the privilege of using government health care, administration officials said Sunday.I guess “Support the Troops” ends as soon as they need more than bumper magnets and lipservice.
Veterans groups attacked the proposals. Richard B. Fuller, legislative director of the Paralyzed Veterans of America, said: "The proposed increase in health spending is not sufficient at a time when the number of patients is increasing and there has been a huge increase in health care costs. It will not cover the need. The enrollment fee is a health care tax, designed to raise revenue and to discourage people from enrolling."
In other military news, John’s got a good one on the disturbing trend of increased reliance on private military corporations (PMCs) to function in rolls traditionally taken by the United States military.
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