Using taxpayer money, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration has sent television stations statewide a mock news story extolling a proposal that would benefit political boosters in the business community by ending mandatory lunch breaks for many hourly workers.Take note, Dems. There are fewer and fewer elected Republicans these days who aren’t willing to do whatever it takes, regardless of whether it’s unethical or even illegal, to promote their agenda.
The tape looks like a news report and is narrated by a former television reporter who now works for the state. But unlike an actual news report, it does not provide views critical of the proposed changes. Democrats have denounced it as propaganda. Snippets aired on as many as 18 stations earlier this month, the administration
The video shows construction workers, waitresses, nurses, farmworkers and a forklift operator at their jobs, and includes interviews with a farmer and a restaurant manager. The narrator says the proposal would permit workers to "eat when they are hungry, and not when the government tells them."
The tape makes no mention that organized labor opposes the changes, or that workers would have a harder time suing employers over missed meal breaks.
If there’s an elected Republican left who disagrees with these underhanded tactics, I don’t know how you sleep at night.
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