
Another Dem with balls (Mr. Shakes comments "Why are so many of the Dems with balls women?!" - Good fucking question, babe):
Rep. Slaughter Demands Answer:
Why was Jeff Gannon in the White House Before Talon News Even Existed?

Slaughter to White House - "Stop the Stonewalling!"

Washington, DC - During the February 10 White House briefing, Press Secretary Scott McClellan stated that Jeff Gannon, " anyone else, showed that he was representing a news organization that published regularly" in order to receive his day pass to press briefings. It has been confirmed that Jeff Gannon was in the White House briefing room, actively participating in these briefings, as early as February 28, 2003 a full month before Talon News even existed.

Rep. Louise M. Slaughter (NY-28), Ranking Member of the House Committee on Rules, who has lead the call for answers in this matter, today called on the White House to explain their relationship with the discredited "reporter" once and for all.

"It has been a week since I wrote President Bush seeking answers in this matter. I have not yet received a reply. With each new revelation it becomes more and more clear that the relationship between the White House and Jeff Gannon was anything but typical," said Slaughter. "It is time for this Administration to stop the stonewalling and come clean with the American people," she added.

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