Iran and Syria, who both are facing pressure from the United States, said Wednesday they will form a "united front" to confront possible threats against them, state-run television reported.Huh. I wonder who they’re talking about?
"In view of the special conditions faced by Syria, Iran will transfer its experience, especially concerning sanctions, to Syria," Mohammad Reza Aref, Iran's first vice president, was quoted as saying after meeting Syrian Prime Minister Mohammad Naji Otari.
"At this sensitive point, the two countries require a united front due to numerous challenges."
Otari concurred, saying, "The challenges we face in Syria and Iran require us to be in one front to confront all the challenges imposed (on us) by others."
The report did not specifically mention the challenges, but both countries are under U.S. economic sanctions and the targets of intense American pressure.Oh.
This is not good news, not good news at all. It’s a good thing that back when Bush and Co. were rattling their sabers about invading Iraq, the Democrats weren’t intimidated into capitulation for a lunatic war plan by threats of being called traitors and that the media did such a stellar job of debunking their misinformation campaign and didn’t do everything they could to reinforce the Bushies’ claims of ties between Saddam and 9/11, instead keeping the electorate well-informed and mitigating their thirst for revenge with a calming dose of reality, thereby keeping us from getting ourselves entangled in a vicious quagmire of guerrilla warfare, at least partially funded from one of the two countries mentioned above, resulting in the dubious election of the very kind of leadership that would our worst nightmare, all while our troops become overextended and our relations increasingly strained with the entirety of the Middle East. It’s really a good thing all that happened.
Well, I guess we can all just keep our fingers crossed that neither of the two countries in this interesting new partnership suggest to the other one that if there were ever a time to feel emboldened, what with a new friendly government about to take control of Iraq, many of the Iraqis pretty pissed at the US, and Crazy-Ass Kim Jung-Il hopping around his garden of warheads trying to get our attention, this might be it.
Aw, heck. What am I worried about? Condi’ll sort it all out for us. She’s really good at her job.
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