Laura Bush plans to give more parties.Does that mean the President’s proposed “three-year initiative to help organizations keep young people out of gangs, and show young men an ideal of manhood that respects women and rejects violence” for which he was “proud that the leader of this nationwide effort will be our First Lady, Laura Bush” was just a cynical bone thrown to a community the GOP has an interest in turning to the Dark Side? Or will Laura still be “taking on gang life” in between the soirées?
Guess that Literacy thing wasn't enough to keep her busy, what with George cutting the federal educational budget and all. And it's not like she could champion women's health issues when her hubby so soundly nixes health initiatives.
I have had the whole "what should the role of the First Lady be" debate. Obviously, I think a modern First Lady should have more to do, whether poltically, professionally, or charitably, than redecorate the East Wing every couple of years. I mean honestly, even British royalty find a way to make themselves useful on occasion.
But I guess if you're Laura Bush, all the "good" causes are either already taken, or placed thoroughly off-limits by hubby's maniacal raving. Gal's gotta fill her time somehow. But I still wouldn't call it "news."
Party on, Garth.
It's a Hard Knock Life
Slightly Left of Center’s Kiosan asks How Is This News?
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