God Save the Queen

The AP reports (hat tip Pam) that Britain has legalized civil unions:
The Civil Partnerships Bill passed by Parliament last year gives same-sex couples the right to form legally binding partnerships and entitles them to some of the same tax and pension rights married couples have.


"This legislation is going to make a real difference to these couples and it demonstrates the government's commitment to equality and social justice," said Deputy Minister for Women and Equality Jacqui Smith.

"It opens the way to respect, recognition and justice for those who have been denied it for too long."


Separately Monday, the armed services said they will allow same-sex couples with registered partnerships to share family quarters.


"This is the moment we fought so hard for," said Ben Summerskill, chief executive of the gay rights group Stonewall. "At last, lesbian and gay couples can begin to plan their future lives together."

Nine European Union members allow same-sex partnerships, beginning with Denmark, which legislated for the unions in 1989.

In the United States, more than a dozen states recognize some form of domestic partnerships or civil unions, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures, but 11 states voted in November to ban gay marriage.
Translation of final paragraph: “Meanwhile, in the United States, social progress is retarded by Christian Evangelicals' collective chokehold on the GOP.”

Hmm, maybe this is why Washington fell so low on the list. If it hadn’t been for him and all his zany revolutionary shenanigans, we’d…

…well, we’d still be led by a crackpot who thought the Iraqi war was a swell idea, but at least we’d have legalized civil unions!

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