Dems Take Note…

Bradford Plumer in Mother Jones (via Ezra):
Have to admit, it's pretty funny to hear a freshman Republican senator rattle off the virtues of the filibuster:

Isakson, noting he had just been in Iraq, said he asked a Kurdish leader if he worried that the majority Shiites would "overrun" the minority Kurds. And "he says, 'Oh, no, we have a secret weapon.' . . . And when asked what it was, he said one word, 'filibuster,' and then proceeded to describe their study of American democracy and our republic."

"If there were ever a reason for optimism about" giving more aid to Iraq, Isakson said, "it is one of their minority leaders proudly stating one of the pillars and principles of our government as the way they would ensure that the majority never overran the minority."

Indeed, Sen. Isakson. Indeed. Now somebody tell Bill "Nuclear Option" Frist, and quick! Hey, it's also worth noting that the elected Kurdish leaders represent only about 20 percent of Iraq's population. Democrats in the United States Senate, meanwhile, represent over 50 percent of Americans.
Do I laugh? Do I cry? Don’t know, but I definitely do get a tiny little shred of satisfaction seeing that the GOP seems to be having more and more trouble keeping their vast bastion of operatives on message these days…

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